- Charles Dickens (Authors in Context) (Oxford World's Classics)
- Charles Dickens
(Pocket Biographies) by Catherine Peters, publ. 1998
- Charles Dickens :
The Man Who Had Great Expectations by Diane Stanley, Peter Vennema (Contributor),
publ. 1993
- Charles Dickens :
The Man Who Had Great Expectations by Diane Stanley, Peter Vennema (Contributor),
publ. 1993
- Dickens : A
Biography by Fred Kaplan, publ. 1998
- The Friendly
Dickens : Being a Good-Natured Guide to the Art and Adventures of the Man Who Invented
Scrooge by Norrie Epstein, publ. 1998
- The Master's Cat :
The Story of Charles Dickens As Told by His Cat by Eleanor Poe Barlow, publ. 1998
- My Early Times
by Charles Dickens, Peter Rowland (Editor), publ. 1997
- Tales for Hard
Times : A Story About Charles Dickens (Carolrhoda Creative Minds Book) by David R.
Collins, et al, publ. 1990
- Charles Dickens
by Julian Symons, publ. 1974
- Charles Dickens -
Sketches of Boz (A one-man play) by Richard M. Enders, publ. 1998
- Charles Dickens : A
Literary Life (Literary Lives) by Grahame Smith, publ. 1996
- Dickens, a Life
by Norman Ian MacKenzie, publ. 1979
- The Life and
Writings of Charles Dickens : A Memorial Volume. by R. A. Hammond, publ. 1972
- The Master's Cat :
The Story of Charles Dickens As Told by His Cat by Eleanor Poe Barlow, publ. 1998
- Memories of Charles
Dickens : With an Account of Household Words and All the Year Round and of the
Contributors Thereto by Percy H. Fitzgerald, publ. 1913
- Franz Kafka : A
Writer's Life (Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture, and Thought) by Joachim
Unseld, Paul F. Dvorak (Translator), publ. 1997
- Franz Kafka : The
Diaries 1910-1923 by Franz Kafka, et al, publ. 1989
- Franz Kafka, the
Jewish Patient by Sander L. Gilman, publ. 1995
- Milena : The Tragic
Story of Kafka's Great Love by Margarete Buber-Neumann, Ralph Manheim (Translator),
publ. 1997
- Secret Raven :
Conflict and Transformation in the Life of Franz Kafka (Studies in Jungian Psychology, 1)
by Daryl Sharp, Darryl Sharpe, publ. 1980
- A Hesitation Before
Birth : The Life of Franz Kafka by Peter Mailloux, publ. 1989
- Kafka's Prussian
Advocate : A Study of the Influence of Heinrich Von Kleist on Franz Kafka (Studies in
German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture, 3) by John M. Grandin, publ. 1987
- A Life-Study of
Franz Kafka 1883-1924 : Using the Intensive Journal Method of Ira Progoff by Ronald
Gestwicki, publ. 1992
- Marcel Proust
(Penguin Lives) by Edmund White, publ. 1999
- Marcel Proust
(Penguin Lives) [ABRIDGED] by Edmond White, et al, publ. 1999
- Marcel Proust :
Selected Letters, 1904-1909 Vol 2 by Marcel Proust, et al, publ. 1990
- Marcel Proust
by Henri Peyre, publ. 1970
- Ernest Hemingway
(Great Achievers-Lives of the Physically Challenged) by Melissa McDaniel, publ. 1996
- Fitzgerald and
Hemingway : A Dangerous Friendship by Matthew Joseph Bruccoli, publ. 1995
- Hemingway by
Kenneth Schuyler Lynn, publ. 1995
- Hemingway : A Life
Without Consequences by James R. Mellow, publ. 1994
- Hemingway : The
1930s by Michael Reynolds, Micahel Reynolds, publ. 1997
- Hemingway : The
Writer As Artist by Carlos Heard Baker, publ. 1972
- Hemingway and His
Conspirators : Hollywood, Scribners, and the Making of American Celebrity Culture by
Leonard J. Leff, publ. 1997
- Hemingway in Love
and War : The Lost Diary of Agnes Von Kurowsky by Agnes Von Kurowsky, et al, publ.
- The Hemingway Women
by Bernice Kert, publ. 1998
- The Hunt and the
Feast : A Life of Ernest Hemingway (Impact Biography) by John Tessitore, publ. 1996
- My Brother, Ernest
Hemingway by Leicester Hemingway, publ. 1996
- Papa Hemingway : A
Personal Memoir by A. E. Hotchner(Introduction), publ. 1999
- Walk on Water : A
Memoir by Lorian Hemingway, publ. 1998
- Against the Current
: As I Remember F. Scott Fitzgerald by Frances Kroll Ring, et al, publ. 1985
- Dear Scott, Dear
Max : The Fitzgerald-Perkins Correspondence by John Kuehl(Editor), Jackson R. Bryer
(Editor), publ. 1991
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
: A Life in Letters by F. Scott Fitzgerald, et al, publ. 1994
- Fitzgerald and
Hemingway : A Dangerous Friendship by Matthew Joseph Bruccoli, publ. 1995
- Gatsby's Party :
The System and the List in Contemporary Narrative by Patti White, publ. 1992
- A Life in Letters
by F. Scott Fitzgerald, et al, publ. 1995
- The Age of
Shakespeare (Discoveries) by Francois Laroque, et al, publ. 1993
- Bard of Avon : The
Story of William Shakespeare by Diane Stanley(Illustrator), et al, publ. 1992
- Bard of Avon : The
Story of William Shakespeare by Diane Stanley(Illustrator), et al, publ. 1992
- Bard of Avon : The
Story of William Shakespeare by Peter Vennema, Diane Stanley (Illustrator), publ. 1998
- Berryman's
Shakespeare : Essays, Letters and Other Writings by John Berryman, et al, publ. 1999
- A Child's Portrait
of Shakespeare (Shakespeare Can Be Fun) by Lois Burdett, publ. 1995
- John Barrymore,
Shakespearean Actor by Michael A. Morrison, publ. 1999
- John Barrymore,
Shakespearean Actor (Cambridge Studies in American Theatre and Drama, 10) by Michael
A. Morrison, publ. 1997
- The Play's the
Thing : A Story About William Shakespeare (Carolrhoda Creative Minds Book) by Ruth
Turk, Lisa Harvey (Illustrator), publ. 1998
- Shakespeare by
Anthony Burgess, publ. 1994
- Shakespeare
(Literary Lives Series) by F. E. Halliday(Preface), publ. 1998
- Shakespeare : A
Life by Park Honan, publ. 1999
- Shakespeare : A
Life in Drama by Stanley Wells, publ. 1995
- Shakespeare : A
Life in Drama by Stanley Wells, publ. 1997
- Shakespeare : The
Evidence : Unlocking the Mysteries of the Man and His Work by Ian Wilson, Cal Morgan
(Editor), publ. 1999
- Shakespeare : The
Later Years by Russell Fraser, publ. 1993
- Shakespeare and
MacBeth : The Story Behind the Play by Stewart Ross, et al, publ. 1994
- Shakespeare the Man
by Alfred L. Rowse, publ. 1989
- Simply C.S. Lewis :
A Beginner's Guide to the Life and Works of C.S. Lewis by Thomas C. Peters, Thonas C.
Peters, publ. 1997
- Sylvia Beach and
the Lost Generation : A History of Literary Paris in the Twenties and Thirties by Noel
Riley Fitch, publ. 1985
- When Romeo Was a
Woman : Charlotte Cushman and Her Circle of Female Spectators (Triangulations) by Lisa
Merrill, publ. 1999
- William Shakespeare
: A Compact Documentary Life by Samuel Schoenbaum, publ. 1988
- William Shakespeare
: A Literary Life (Literary Lives) by Richard Dutton, William Dutton, publ. 1994
- William Shakespeare
: His Life and Times (Twayne's English Authors, Teas 513) by Dennis Kay, publ. 1995
- William Shakespeare
: The Master Playwright (What's Their Story) by Haydn Middleton, et al, publ. 1998
- Year of the King :
An Actor's Diary and Sketchbook by Antony Sher, publ. 1992
- Young Shakespeare
by Russell Fraser, publ. 1992
- Biographies of
Shakespeare, Pope, Goethe, and Schiller, and on the Political Parties of Modern England
by Thomas De Quincey, publ. 1971
- The Biography and
Bibliography of Shakespeare by Henry George Bohn, publ. 1972
- A Child's Portrait
of Shakespeare (Shakespeare Can Be Fun) by Lois Burdett, publ. 1995
- Edmond Malone
Shakespearean Scholar : A Literary Biography (Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century
English Literature and Thought, No 25) by Peter Martin, publ. 1995
- Fact and Fiction
About Shakespeare; With Some Account of the Playhouses, Players, and Playwrights of His
Period. by Alfred Cecil, Calmour, publ. 1972
- The Importance of
William Shakespeare (The Importance Of) by Thomas Thrasher, publ. 1999
- Introducing
Shakespeare by George Bagshawe Harrison, publ. 1948
- Life and Genius of
Shakespeare by T. Kenny, publ. 1975
- New Facts Regarding
Shakspeare by Payne Collier, publ. 1978
- Shakespeare (Master
Spirits of Literature) by Raymond MacDonald Alden, Raymond M. Aldne, publ. 1922
- Shakespeare : The
Later Years by Russell A. Fraser, publ. 1992
- Shakespeare : The
Poet in His World by Muriel Bradbrook, publ. 1980
- Shakespeare's
Lives/30422 by Samuel Schoenbaum, publ. 1991
- Agony of Lewis
Carroll by Richard Wallace, publ. 1990
- Lewis Carroll : A
Biography by Morton N. Cohen, publ. 1996
- Lewis Carroll in
Wonderland : The Life and Times of Alice and Her Creator (Discoveries) by Stephanie
Lovett Stoffel, publ. 1997
- Lewis Carroll
by Derek Hudson, publ. 1995
- Lewis Carroll : A
Biography by Michael Bakewell, publ. 1999
- Lewis Carroll : A
Portrait With Background by Donald Thomas, publ. 1998
- Lewis Carroll.
by Derek Hudson, publ. 1973
- Cary Grant : A
Class Apart by Graham McCann, publ. 1997
- Cary Grant : Dark
Angel by Geoffrey Wansell, publ. 1997
- American Monroe :
The Making of a Body Politic by S. Paige Baty, publ. 1995
- Conversations With
Marilyn by W. J. Weatherby, publ. 1994
- Crypt 33 : The Saga
of Marilyn Monroe - The Final Word by Adela Gregory(Contributor), Milo Speriglio,
publ. 1993
- Goddess : The
Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe by Anthony Summers, publ. 1996
- Legend : The Life
and Death of Marilyn Monroe by Fred Lawrence Guiles, publ. 1991
- Marilyn : Her Life
in Her Own Words : Marilyn Monroe's Revealing Last Words and Photographs by Marilyn
Monroe, George Barris, publ. 1995
- Marilyn : Shades of
Blonde by Carole Nelson Douglas(Editor), publ. 1997
- Marilyn : The Last
Take by Peter Harry Brown, Patte B. Barham (Contributor), publ. 1993
- Marilyn Monroe
by Barbara Leaming, publ. 1998
- Marilyn Monroe
by Sheridan Morley, Ruth Leon (Contributor), publ. 1998
- Marilyn Monroe (Pop
Culture Legends) by Frances Lefkowitz, publ. 1995
- Marilyn Monroe : A
Life of the Actress by Carl E., Jr. Rollyson, publ. 1993
- Marilyn Monroe :
Norma Jean's Dream (Newsmakers Biographies Series) by Katherine E. Krohn, publ. 1997
- My Sister Marilyn :
A Memoir of Marilyn Monroe by Bernice Baker Miracle, et al, publ. 1994
- Norma Jean : The
Life of Marilyn Monroe by Fred Lawrence Guiles, publ. 1994
- The Ultimate
Marilyn by Ernest W. Cunningham, publ. 1998
- Marilyn : A
Never-Ending Dream by Guus Luijters(Editor), Marilyn Monroe, publ. 1995
- Marilyn Monroe
by Graham McCann, publ. 1988
- Marilyn Monroe
(Mysterious Deaths) by Adam Woog, publ. 1997
- Marilyn Monroe : A
Life of the Actress by Carl Rollyson, publ. 1988
- Evelyn Waugh : The
Early Years 1903-1939 by Martin Stannard, publ. 1989
- An Evelyn Waugh
Chronology (Author Chronologies) by Norman Page, publ. 1997
- The Life of Evelyn
Waugh : A Critical Biography (Blackwell Critical Biographies, 8) by Douglas Lane
Patey, publ. 1998
- Evelyn Waugh : A
Literary Biography, 1903-1924 by John Howard Wilson, publ. 1996
- At Eternity's Gate
: The Spiritual Vision of Vincent Van Gogh by Kathleen Powers Erickson, publ. 1998
- Dear Theo : The
Autobiography of Vincent Van Gogh by Vincent Van Gogh, et al, publ. 1995
- In the Footsteps of
Van Gogh by Gilles Plazy, et al, publ. 1998
- Stranger on the
Earth : A Psychological Biography of Vincent Van Gogh by Albert J. Lubin, publ. 1996
- Van Gogh by
Renilde Hammacher, A. M. Hammacher (Contributor), publ. 1990
- Van Gogh : Art and
Emotion (Great Artist Series) by David Spence, Tessa Krailing, publ. 1997
- Van Gogh : Getting
to Know the World's Greatest Artists (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists) by
Mike Venezia, publ. 1988
- Van Gogh and God :
A Creative Spirtual Quest by Cliff Edwards, publ. 1989
- Vincent Van Gogh
by Meyer Schapiro, publ. 1994
- Vincent Van Gogh
(On My Own Biographies) by Eileen Lucas, Rochelle Draper (Illustrator), publ. 1997
- Vincent Van Gogh
(On My Own Biographies) by Eileen Lucas, Rochelle Draper (Illustrator), publ. 1997
- Vincent Van Gogh
(Tell Me About) by John Malam, publ. 1998
- Vincent Van Gogh :
A Biography by Meier-Graefe Julius, Julius Meier-Graefe, publ. 1987
- Vincent Van Gogh :
A Life by Philip Callow, publ. 1996
- Vincent Van Gogh :
Artist (Great Achievers) by Peter Tyson, publ. 1996
- Visiting Vincent
Van Gogh (Adventures in Art) by Caroline Breunesse, publ. 1997
- Vincent Van Gogh
by Alfred H Barr(Editor), publ. 1935
- Vincent Van Gogh :
A Life by Philip Callow, publ. 1990
- Vincent Van Gogh :
Chemicals, Crises, and Creativity by Wilfred Niels Arnold, publ. 1992
- A Footnote to
History : Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa by Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stevenson, publ. 1996
- Footsteps :
Adventures of a Romantic Biographer (Vintage Departures) by Richard Holmes, publ. 1996
- The Letters of
Robert Louis Stevenson : 1854-April 1874 [ABRIDGED] Vol 1 by Robert Louis Stevenson,
et al, publ. 1994
- The Letters of
Robert Louis Stevenson : April 1874-July 1879 Vol 2 by Robert Louis Stevenson, et al,
publ. 1994
- The Letters of
Robert Louis Stevenson : August 1879-September 1882 Vol 3 by Robert Louis Stevenson,
et al, publ. 1994
- The Letters of
Robert Louis Stevenson : August 1887-September 1890 Vol 6 by Robert Louis Stevenson,
et al, publ. 1995
- The Letters of
Robert Louis Stevenson : July 1884-August 1887 Vol 5 by Robert Louis Stevenson, et al,
publ. 1994
- The Letters of
Robert Louis Stevenson : October 1882-June 1884 Vol 4 by Robert Louis Stevenson, et
al, publ. 1994
- Robert Louis
Stevenson : Interviews and Recollections by R. C. Terry(Editor), publ. 1996
- Robert Louis
Stevenson : Poet and Teller of Tales by Bryan Bevan, publ. 1993
- Robert Louis
Stevenson : Teller of Tales by Beverly Gherman, publ. 1996
- Selected Letters of
Robert Louis Stevenson by Robert Louis Stevenson, Ernest Mehew (Editor), publ. 1998
- The Teller of Tales
: In Search of Robert Louis Stevenson (Literary Roads Series) by Hunter Davies, publ.
- The Voyage of the
Ludgate Hill : Travels With Robert Louis Stevenson by Nancy Willard, et al, publ. 1987
- The True Stevenson
: A Study in Clarification by George Sidney Hellman, publ. 1972
- The Autobiography
(Rep) by Benjamin Franklin, Daniel Aaron (Illustrator), publ. 1990
- The Autobiography
and Other Writings by Benjamin Franklin, Peter Shaw (Editor), publ. 1989
- Autobiography and
Other Writings : Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin, Kenneth Silverman (Editor),
publ. 1986
- Autobiography of
Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin, Leonard W. Labaree (Editor), publ. 1964
- Autobiography of
Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin, publ. 1997
- Autobiography of
Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin, publ. 1996
- The Autobiography
of Benjamin Franklin (Bedford Books in American History) by Louis P. Masur(Editor), et
al, publ. 1993
- The Autobiography
of Benjamin Franklin (Dover Thrift Editions) by Benjamin Franklin, publ. 1996
- The Autobiography
of Benjamin Franklin [ABRIDGED] by Benjamin Franklin, Fredd Wayne (Narrator), publ.
- Ben Franklin of Old
Philadelphia (Landmark Books) by Margaret Cousins, J. Thomas (Editor), publ. 1987
- Benjamin Franklin
by Carl Van Doren, publ. 1991
- Benjamin Franklin
(Pioneers in Change) by Robert R. Potter, publ. 1992
- Benjamin Franklin :
A Biographical Companion (Abc-Clio Biographical Companions) by Jennifer L. Durham,
publ. 1997
- Benjamin Franklin :
A Man With Many Jobs (Rookie Biographies) by Carol Greene, et al, publ. 1989
- Benjamin Franklin :
Founding Father and Inventor (Historical American Biographies) by Leila Merrell
Foster, publ. 1997
- Benjamin Franklin :
His Life As He Wrote It by Esmond Wright(Editor), publ. 1990
- Benjamin Franklin
and His Enemies by Robert Middlekauff, publ. 1996
- Benjamin Franklin
and His Gods by Kerry S. Walters, publ. 1999
- Benjamin Franklin
Politician by Francis Jennings, publ. 1996
- Benjamin Franklin's
Adventures With Electricity (Science Stories Series) by Beverley Birch, et al, publ.
- Benjamin Franklin's
Autobiography : An Authoritative Text Backgrounds Criticism (Norton Critical Edition)
by Benjamin Franklin, et al, publ. 1986
- Benjamin Franklin's
Science by I. Bernard Cohen, publ. 1990
- Benjamin
Franklin--Printer, Inventor, Statesman (A First Biography) by David A. Adler, Lyle
Miller (Illustrator), publ. 1992
- Franklin of
Philadelphia by Esmond Wright, publ. 1988
- Meet Benjamin
Franklin (Step-Up Biographies) by Maggi Scarf, Pat Fogarty (Illustrator), publ. 1989
- The Papers of
Benjamin Franklin Vol 18 by William B. Willcox(Editor), Benjamin Franklin, publ. 1974
- The Papers of
Benjamin Franklin : July 1 Through Novermber 15, 1780 (Vol 33) Vol 33 by Benjamin
Franklin, et al, publ. 1998
- The Papers of
Benjamin Franklin : March 1 Through June 30, 1779 Vol 29 by Benjamin Franklin, et al,
publ. 1992
- The Papers of
Benjamin Franklin : March 1 Through June 30, 1780 (Vol 32) Vol 32 by Benjamin
Franklin, et al, publ. 1997
- Papers of Benjamin
Franklin : March 1-June 30, 1778 Vol 26 by William B. Willcox(Editor), et al, publ.
- The Papers of
Benjamin Franklin : May 1 Through September 30, 1777 Vol 24 by Benjamin Franklin, et
al, publ. 1984
- The Papers of
Benjamin Franklin : November 1, 1779 Through February 29, 1780 (Papers of Benjamin
Franklin, Vol 31) Vol 31 by Benjamin Franklin, et al, publ. 1995
- The Papers of
Benjamin Franklin : Oct 1, 1777-Feb 28, 1778 Vol 25 by William B. Willcox(Editor), et
al, publ. 1986
- The Papers of
Benjamin Franklin : October 27, 1776, Through April 30, 1777 Vol 23 by Benjamin
Franklin, et al, publ. 1983
- Recovering Benjamin
Franklin : An Exploration of a Life of Science and Service by James Campbell, publ.
- Story of Benjamin
Franklin, Amazing American by Margaret Davidson, et al, publ. 1988
- Tennessee's
Forgotten Warriors : Frank Cheatham and His Confederate Division by Christopher
Losson, publ. 1990
- What's the Big
Idea, Ben Franklin? (Paperstar) by Jean Fritz, Margot Tomes (Illustrator), publ. 1996
- Charlotte and Emily
Bronte : Literary Lives (Literary Lives) by Tom Winnifrith, Edward Chitham, publ. 1994
- Charlotte Bronte
(British Library Writers' Lives) by Jane Sellars, publ. 1998
- Charlotte Bronte
and Jane Eyre by Stewart Ross, et al, publ. 1997
- The Life of
Charlotte Bronte (Penguin Classics) by Elizabeth Gaskell, Elisabeth Jay (Editor),
publ. 1998
- The Life of
Charlotte Bronte (Penguin English Library) by Elizabeth Cleghorn Stevenson Gaskell,
Alan Shelston (Editor), publ. 1975
- The Life of
Charlotte Bronte (World's Classics) by Elizabeth Gaskell, Angus Easson (Editor), publ.
- The Life of
Charlotte Bront� (Everyman Paperback Classics) by Elizabeth Gaskell, Jenny Uglow
(Introduction), publ. 1997
- Charlotte Bronte
by Edward Benson, publ. 1978
- Charlotte Bronte
(English Biography, No 31) by T.W. Reid, publ. 1970
- Josephine : A Life
of the Empress by Carolly Erickson, publ. 1999
- Mind of Napoleon :
A Selection of His Written and Spoken Words by Napoleon, J. Christopher Herold
(Editor), publ. 1961
- Napoleon : How He
Did It : The Menoirs of Baron Fain, First Secretary of the Emperor's Cabinet by
Agathon-Jean-Francois, Baron Fain, et al, publ. 1998
- Napoleon Bonaparte
by Alan Schom, publ. 1998
- Napoleon Bonaparte
(The Importance Of) by Bob Carroll, publ. 1994
- Napoleon Bonaparte
(World Leaders : Past and Present) by Leslie McGuire, Dina Anastasio, publ. 1987
- Napoleon Bonaparte:
A Life by Alan Schom, publ. 1997
- Napoleon's Conquest
of Prussia 1806 (Napoleonic Library) by F. Loraine Petre, publ. 1993
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Broward : Florida's Fighting Democrat (A Florida Sand Dollar Book) by Samuel Proctor,
publ. 1993
- The Wit and Wisdom
of Quentin Crisp by Quentin Crisp, Guy Kettelhack, publ. 1998
- Resident Alien :
The New York Diaries by Quentin Crisp, Donald Carroll (Editor), publ. 1997
- James Thurber : His
Life and Times by Harrison Kinney, publ. 1997
- My Life and Hard
Times (Rep) by James Thurber, publ. 1990
- Remember Laughter :
A Life of James Thurber by Neil A. Grauer, publ. 1995
- Gladstone 1875-1898
by H. C. G. Matthew, publ. 1995
- Gladstone :
1809-1865 Vol 1 by Richard Shannon, publ. 1984
- Gladstone : A
Biography by Roy Jenkins, Lord Jenkins, publ. 1997
- Gladstone : A
Progress in Politics by Peter Stansky, publ. 1981
- The Two Mr.
Gladstones : A Study in Psychology and History by Travis L. Crosby, publ. 1997
- William Ewart
Gladstone : Faith and Politics in Victorian Britain (Library of Religious Biography)
by David W. Bebbington, publ. 1993
- Churchill : A Life
by Martin Gilbert, publ. 1992
- Churchill : The End
of Glory : A Political Biography (A Harvest Ed) by John Charmley, publ. 1994
- Churchill : The
Unruly Giant by Norman Rose, publ. 1995
- Churchill and
Hitler : In Victory and Defeat by John Strawson, publ. 1998
- Churchill's Grand
Alliance : The Anglo-American Special Relationship 1904-57 by John Charmley, publ.
- Churchill/a Major
New Assessment of His Life in Peace and War by Robert Blake(Editor), et al, publ. 1993
- In Search of
Churchill : A Historian's Journey by Martin Gilbert, publ. 1995
- The Last Lion,
Winston Spencer Churchill : Visions of Glory, 1874-1932 by William Manchester, publ.
- Lloyd George and
Churchill : How Friendship Changed Politics by Marvin Rintala, publ. 1995
- My Early Life :
1874-1904 by Winston Churchill, William Manchester (Introduction), publ. 1996
- Never Give in : The
Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill (Leaders in Action Series) by Stephen
Mansfield, George E. Grant (Editor), publ. 1997
- Sir Winston
Churchill : His Finest Hour by Audio CD Our Price: $15.95 Read more about this
title..., publ. 15
- Winston and
Clementine : The Personal Letters of the Churchills by Winston Churchill, et al, publ.
- Winston Churchill :
An Unbreakable Spirit (People in Focus) by John E. Driemen, publ. 1990
- Winston Churchill :
Soldier, Statesman, Artist by John B. Severance, publ. 1996
- Winston Churchill
and Emery Reves : Correspondence, 1937-1964 by Winston Churchill, et al, publ. 1997
- Winston Churchill:
His Finest Hour by Audio Cassette Our Price: $10.95 Read more about this title...,
publ. 10
- Winston S.
Churchill : War Correspondent, 1895-1900 by Frederick Woods(Editor), publ. 1992
 Charles Dickens

Franz Kafka

M Proust


E Waugh

James Thurber

Charlotte Bronte

Vincent Van Gogh

Benjamin Franklin
Cary Grant
Charles Dickens
Charlotte Bronte
Ernest Hemingway
Evelyn Waugh
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Franz Kafka
James Thurber
Lewis Carroll
Marcel Proust
Marilyn Monroe
Napoleon Bonaparte
Quentin Crisp
Robert Louis Stevenson
Vincent Van Gogh
William Gladstone
William Shakespeare
Winston Churchill