sleep then and now - (rsm) 1805-2005 NOTES
chris's notes (not really for publication)
RSM Notes (from the library)
Distinguishes between consciousness, awareness, awakeness, | WL Davidson, Mind, 6, 406-412, 1881 |
Sleep due to accumulation of acid products in the brain (Obersteiner). Pflüger - carbonic acid central to nerve transmission, and waking causes depletion of stores, sleep needed to recuperate. | Mind, 1, 133, 1876. |
Rest, suggestion and other therapeutic measures. Restraint and hot bath amongst others (bromides, barbiturates) - 'dope' (bromide). | Dercum, FX, 1919. |
One problem with sleep is because everyone does it, nearly everyone believes they understand it. But from a scientific and philosophical (thinking of dreaming) point of view it is complicated. Saying one understands sleep is rather like saying one understands life.
CHRONO / Czeisler / Polidori / Aserinsky
Section of Psychiatry formed 1912. Maudsley Sargent, Hill, Stengel, Slater.
- Criminal responsibility and medical culpability
- Cerebral dysrhythmia
Dr Bradbury's thoughts on sleeplessness and hypnotics - 1899
- Irritative
- Toxic
- Psychical
- Change in mode of life
German Sée: dolorous, digestive, cardiac, cerebro-spinal, neurotic, psychic, insomnia of cerebral and physical fatigue, genito-urinary, febrile and toxic.
Irritative | Toxic | Psyche | Life mode |
- tea and fruit
- Acidic wines
- Beef
- alkaline bitter
- mercurials
- In the gouty colchicum and magnesia
- Gregory's powder or peppermint water
- In the elderly and overtired: nux vomica and strychnine
- Cardiac problems - digitalis
- Anaemia: iron, nux vomica and occ. digitalis